Art Direction — Illustration — Editorial Design

Social Media Holidays Calendar

Who doesn’t love a good old fashioned calendar?
The team at — a social media management platform that helps you plan, analyze, and publish content in advance — asked us to create a calendar with a list of key dates and hashtag holidays to help inspire social media managers, creators and small business owners yearly content.

We illustrated a cover image that weaves all the special days together. The illustrations were also used individually as stickers for merchandising and Giphy stickers.

Editorial Design


* All rights reserved to Later

Made in Barcelona

Hola! Fresh(er) is an independent design studio and creative practice led by Martina Freyer. We believe exploration is the key to discover fresh, disruptive and unexpected paths. Our cornerstone is the process of image-making, where we craft and evolve visual systems to seamlessly blend illustration, typography, color, and motion.